Office of the Superintendent
370 Hollis Street • Holliston, Massachusetts 01746
Telephone (508) 429-0661 • FAX (508) 429-0653
February 6, 2025
Hello Everyone,
I am delighted to share with you that Karen Manning has been officially appointed to the role of principal at the Robert Adams Middle School. We are fortunate to have a candidate such as Karen to lead our middle school with an innovative, dynamic lens to promote rigorous expectations for our students as they progress through Holliston Public Schools and promote the HPS vision to, "Embark on Your Journey: Personal. Local. Global." Thank you to everyone who participated in the selection process and/ or who provided feedback that led to this positive outcome for the future of our RAMS Community.
Best regards,
Dr. Susan E. Kustka
- 2024-2025
- Principal
- Superintendent
Superintendent's Office
September 23, 2024
Hello Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, Staff, and Community Members:
I am so very proud and excited to be able to share that Robert Adams Middle School was announced as a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School Awardee by the US Department of Education. RAMS is one of only nine schools in the state of Massachusetts, and the only middle school, that has received this distinctive honor for the category of Exemplary High Performing Schools.
Our educators, administrators, and support staff served a critical role in helping RAMS to reach this point and receive this distinction and should be commended for the teamwork that led to this honor. Our HPS students have benefitted from the work that has been done to reach this point of success on their academic jouney through the middle school and throughout their journey PreK-12+ and beyond. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success at RAMS that has led to this award.
See below for the full announcement and links to profiles of each of the awarded schools.
nationalblueribbonschools - https://
nationalblueribbonschools.ed. gov/awardwinners/ - https://
nationalblueribbonschools.ed. gov -
nationalblueribbonschools -
NatlBlueRibbon -
nationalblueribbonschools -
gov/ -
U.S. Department of Education Announces 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools
U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona today recognized 356 schools as the 2024 cohort of National Blue Ribbon Schools. This prestigious recognition highlights schools that excel in
academic performance or make significant strides in closing achievement gaps among different
student groups.
“The National Blue Ribbon Schools Award is a testament to the exceptional achievements of
students and educators at each of these schools,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel
Cardona. “The 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools are raising the bar for our nation’s students,
serving as models for effective teaching and intentional collaboration in their schools and
communities. As we celebrate their achievements, let us look to these schools for inspiration as
we champion education as the foundation of a brighter future for every child.”
The 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools reflect the full diversity of American education and
serve students from all backgrounds. While awardees represent a wide array of schools, they
share common traits. National Blue Ribbon Schools are led by leaders who articulate a clear
vision of instructional excellence and uphold high standards. They showcase effective teaching
methods and offer robust professional development for their staff. Data-driven instruction is a
hallmark, and there is a concerted effort to ensure every student succeeds. Collaboration among families, communities, and educators is a key component of their success.
A National Blue Ribbon School award flag displayed in a school’s entryway or on a flagpole is a
widely recognized emblem of exceptional teaching and learning. These schools serve as models of effective and innovative practices for educators across the nation.
The Department recognizes all schools based on student performance data including assessment results, student subgroup performance and graduation rates. Schools are recognized in both or either of two performance categories:
- Exemplary High Performing Schools: These schools are among the top performers in their state as measured by state assessments or nationally normed tests.
- Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing Schools: These schools excel in narrowing achievement gaps between different student groups and the overall student body.
Each nominated school submits a comprehensive application detailing its school culture,
programs, assessments, instructional practices, professional development, leadership, family, and community involvement.
Up to 420 schools may be nominated each year. The Department invites nominations for the
National Blue Ribbon Schools award from the top education official in all states, the District of
Columbia, U.S. territories, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and the Bureau of
Indian Education. Private schools are nominated by the Council for American Private
NOTE TO EDITORS: Photographs and brief descriptions of the 2024 National Blue Ribbon
Schools are available at https://
Susan E. Kustka, Ed.D.
- 2024
- National Blue Ribbon Schools
Click "View In Browser" for linked table of contents! |
January 17 PD Day-District, No School for Students 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School 23 School Committee 28 RAMS & Miller Band Concert @ HHS 7 PM 29 - Feb 14 PTO Fundraiser "Raise Craze"
February 4 PTO Family Service Night 8 School Committee 10 Challenge Day - 7th Grade 11/12 HHS Moving Up 8th-9th-Tours 17 Presidents Day/No School 17-21 February Vacation |
Family Service Night!You’re invited to our PreK-12 Family Service Night on Tuesday, February 4, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM at Holliston High School.
Join us for a districtwide Family Service Night, an evening dedicated to giving back, spreading kindness, and making a difference in our community! This event is open to all families to come together, participate in meaningful activities, and support causes that matter to our students and neighbors.
What to Expect:
Get Ready for Raise Craze!Our largest fundraiser of the school year is about to start.
Earlier this month, a notification was sent to families of 7th graders about Mood Check, a mental health screening and intervention program we've partnered with for the past seven years. This initiative is an important step in supporting the well-being of our students.
Please click the link below for important information regarding this program. |
What is Challenge Day?Challenge Day is an organization that helps young people connect through powerful, life-changing programs in their schools and communities. The day-long, interactive Challenge Day program provides teens and adults with tools to break down the walls of separation, inspiring participants to live, study, and work in an environment of acceptance, love, and respect.
Using highly interactive and energetic activities, Challenge Day leaders guide teens through a carefully designed exploration of the ways people separate from each other, while modeling tools for creating connection and building community.
Challenge Day programs increase self-esteem, shift dangerous peer pressure to positive peer support, and reduce the acceptability of teasing, oppression, and all forms of violence.
This is the second year that RAMS and Holliston High School are participating in this program. To join, students must complete the interest form linked below by next Friday, January 10th. As we are limited to 100 student participants, a lottery system will be used if more than 100 7th-grade students sign up. Challenge Day has also had a positive impact on adults who have participated, so we encourage parents to consider volunteering by signing up through the form below. Feel free to explore the linked resources and media clips to learn more! |
Introduction from Mr. Seth Golder, our new Library/Media SpecialistI am thrilled to be joining the Holliston community as your new Library Media Specialist at RAMS and HHS! For the past seven years, I have taught 5th and 6th grade ELA and Social Studies in Foxborough, and prior to that, I taught 5th grade in Lexington and Worcester. I am eager to connect with students through literature, helping them discover stories that inspire, inform, and empower them. My goal is to create a welcoming space where students feel supported in their learning journeys, whether diving into a great book or exploring new research skills. I currently live in Franklin with my wife and two kids, and I look forward to becoming a part of this vibrant community. |
A reminder: The doors to Robert Adams Middle School open at 7:50 AM each morning. Students must wait outside until that time, regardless of the weather, as no supervision is available beforehand. If buses drop students off before 7:50 AM, they are also expected to wait outside until the doors open. Please review these expectations with your child and plan accordingly.
Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation! |
We’re excited to announce that yearbook ordering is open for the school year! Using this link on the school’s website you can order a 2024 - 2025 Robert Adams Middle School yearbook for your child. The price is 25.00 and you will need to enter Robert Adams Middle School on the Yearbook Forever site.
Yearbooks will be distributed in early June, and online ordering closes at the end of April. Please don’t wait to order - we’d love to secure a yearbook for your child now. We will have a few copies to sell in person in June, but last year we ran out! The only way to guarantee one for your child is by ordering online by April 30th.
Any questions? Email Ms. Malloy or Ms. Ditto Kustwan |
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This Year’s Theme is: COMMUNITY... Together We Can Achieve Greatness!
Being an active member of your community means you care about others and helping one another. Unity means joining together to achieve great things. Together you can make a positive impact in your school, neighborhood and community. Together, we can achieve greatness!
The POSTER submission deadline is Friday, January 24, 2025. The PSA submission deadline is Friday, April 25, 2025. For additional information, please contact MPY Executive Director Margie Daniels, at or Wendy Leone at
Upload Poster and PSA Submissions on our Website. |
Each participant must complete the student application form signed by a parent/guardian consenting to the student's involvement in the Poster/PSA Project. The form is available to download below and can also be found on MPY's website (linked above). School staff are responsible for collecting the permission slip and keeping them on file. When uploading a student’s project, please check the box acknowledging receipt of the signed permission slip. |
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. 781-587-3409 |
By now you have likely heard about our efforts to support students and families with student attendance. Each school has formed school-based attendance teams who meet weekly to review student attendance totals and to determine family outreach and interventions as needed. We are grateful for your support!
Weekly Monitoring: Nurse will reach out in the event of 3 consecutive absences Team reviews students with 5 absences and/or tardies within a 45 day period.
Monthly Letters: ALL families receive a monthly attendance update for their student(s) notifying them of totals.
45 Day Letters:
Families of students with 10% or more absences or tardies will receive a letter detailing attendance totals and inviting collaboration to support improved attendance. These updates will be sent approximately every 45 days, or sooner if additional communication is needed.
As a reminder, RAMS doors open for students at 7:50AM and the first “bell” sounds at 8:03 AM to remind them to report to homeroom. The second “bell” sounds at 8:05 AM. Students are considered tardy when they arrive after 8:05 AM. We ask for your assistance in assuring that your child consistently attends school and is on time to begin the school day. |
Robert Adams Middle School is seeking paraprofessionals. At RAMS, paraprofessionals will work with students, individually or in small groups, to provide instruction, supervise, and share positive energy. The impact paraprofessionals have on the educational system is immeasurable, and we at RAMS greatly value our paraprofessionals.
Interested applicants can apply using THIS LINK.
If you are curious, please connect with us. You may know a new retiree, a recent college graduate, or a caring and positive person who would love to work with students. Contact Karen Manning ( or Ryan Holland ( |
Reminder to StudentsPlease remember to bring wired headphones or earbuds to school for class activities. Wireless headphones are not permitted. Having the right equipment helps ensure everyone can participate fully. Thank you! |
How To Report Absences and TardiesIf your child will not be in or late to school, you have several options for reporting your child's absence or tardiness. Please be aware that if you report your child's absence or tardiness by 9:15 a.m., you will not receive a notification from Bright Arrow indicating that your child has been reported absent.
RAMS Clubs & Late BusesDear RAMS Families,
Our after school clubs are underway! A list of our clubs can be found on the school website, so be sure to check it out in the "ACTIVITIES" section.
There are two late buses: A and B, and they arrive at 4:00 p.m. Clubs will run until 3:30, and after that, students can head to the lobby to wait or go outside for the buses. Walkers, bike riders, and parent pickups can leave at 3:30. If students are being picked up between 3:45 and 4:00 p.m., their ride must use the loop on the side of the building to allow buses to pull in and safely load students.
If you’re unsure about which bus your child should be on, they can visit the main office before 3:30, where Mrs. Ahronian will be happy to assist. Please remind students that after 3:30, they should either be in the lobby or outside, as wandering the building is not allowed.
There will be supervision from 3:30-4:00 while students are waiting for the late buses, so rest assured everyone is covered!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the front office, Ms. Manning, or Mr. Holland. |
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Click "View In Browser" for linked table of contents! |
January 1 New Year’s Day/Vacation 9 School Committee 10 Grade 7 Middle of the Middle Dance Party - PTO sponsored 17 PD Day-District, No School for Students 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School 23 School Committee 28 RAMS & Miller Band Concert @ HHS 7 PM
February 8 School Committee 10 Challenge Day - 7th Grade 11/12 HHS Moving Up 8th-9th-Tours 17 Presidents Day/No School 17-21 February Vacation |
Interest Forms Due by Friday, January 10th 2025Today, during RAMS Block, 7th-grade students learned about Challenge Day—an optional day-long event offered exclusively to 7th graders, which will take place during the school day on Monday, February 10th.
What is Challenge Day? Challenge Day is an organization that helps young people connect through powerful, life-changing programs in their schools and communities. The day-long, interactive Challenge Day program provides teens and adults with tools to break down the walls of separation, inspiring participants to live, study, and work in an environment of acceptance, love, and respect.
Using highly interactive and energetic activities, Challenge Day leaders guide teens through a carefully designed exploration of the ways people separate from each other, while modeling tools for creating connection and building community.
Challenge Day programs increase self-esteem, shift dangerous peer pressure to positive peer support, and reduce the acceptability of teasing, oppression, and all forms of violence.
This is the second year that RAMS and Holliston High School are participating in this program. To join, students must complete the interest form linked below by next Friday, January 10th. As we are limited to 100 student participants, a lottery system will be used if more than 100 7th-grade students sign up. Challenge Day has also had a positive impact on adults who have participated, so we encourage parents to consider volunteering by signing up through the form below. Feel free to explore the linked resources and media clips to learn more! |
Interest Forms Due Friday, January 10th!Please fill out the form(s) below to indicate if you are interested in participating in Challenge Day. |
Introduction from Mr. Seth Golder, our new Library/Media Specialist who will be starting at RAMS and HHS later this month.I am thrilled to be joining the Holliston community as your new Library Media Specialist at RAMS and HHS! For the past seven years, I have taught 5th and 6th grade ELA and Social Studies in Foxborough, and prior to that, I taught 5th grade in Lexington and Worcester. I am eager to connect with students through literature, helping them discover stories that inspire, inform, and empower them. My goal is to create a welcoming space where students feel supported in their learning journeys, whether diving into a great book or exploring new research skills. I currently live in Franklin with my wife and two kids, and I look forward to becoming a part of this vibrant community. |
7th Grade Middle of the Middle Dance Party!Next Friday, the PTO is sponsoring the 7th Grade Middle of the Middle dance party! Please see the flyer below for more details. |
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A reminder to families that doors to Robert Adams Middle School open at 7:50 AM each morning. Students are required to wait outside until that time, regardless of weather, as there is no supervision before then. Please plan your child's drop-off accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation! |
We’re excited to announce that yearbook ordering is open for the school year! Using this link on the school’s website you can order a 2024 - 2025 Robert Adams Middle School yearbook for your child. The price is 25.00 and you will need to enter Robert Adams Middle School on the Yearbook Forever site.
Yearbooks will be distributed in early June, and online ordering closes at the end of April. Please don’t wait to order - we’d love to secure a yearbook for your child now. We will have a few copies to sell in person in June, but last year we ran out! The only way to guarantee one for your child is by ordering online by April 30th.
Any questions? Email Ms. Malloy or Ms. Ditto Kustwan |
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This Year’s Theme is: COMMUNITY... Together We Can Achieve Greatness!
Being an active member of your community means you care about others and helping one another. Unity means joining together to achieve great things. Together you can make a positive impact in your school, neighborhood and community. Together, we can achieve greatness!
The POSTER submission deadline is Friday, January 24, 2025. The PSA submission deadline is Friday, April 25, 2025. For additional information, please contact MPY Executive Director Margie Daniels, at or Wendy Leone at
Upload Poster and PSA Submissions on our Website. |
Each participant must complete the student application form signed by a parent/guardian consenting to the student's involvement in the Poster/PSA Project. The form is available to download below and can also be found on MPY's website (linked above). School staff are responsible for collecting the permission slip and keeping them on file. When uploading a student’s project, please check the box acknowledging receipt of the signed permission slip. |
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. 781-587-3409 |
By now you have likely heard about our efforts to support students and families with student attendance. Each school has formed school-based attendance teams who meet weekly to review student attendance totals and to determine family outreach and interventions as needed. We are grateful for your support!
Weekly Monitoring: Students with 3 absences contacted by nurse Team reviews students with 5 absences and/or tardies
Monthly Letters: ALL families receive a monthly attendance update for their student(s) notifying them of totals.
45 Day Letters:
Families of students with 10% or more absences or tardies will receive a letter detailing attendance totals and inviting collaboration to support improved attendance. These updates will be sent approximately every 45 days, or sooner if additional communication is needed.
As a reminder, RAMS doors open for students at 7:50AM and the first “bell” sounds at 8:03 AM to remind them to report to homeroom. The second “bell” sounds at 8:05 AM. Students are considered tardy when they arrive after 8:05 AM. We ask for your assistance in assuring that your child consistently attends school and is on time to begin the school day. |
Robert Adams Middle School is seeking paraprofessionals. At RAMS, paraprofessionals will work with students, individually or in small groups, to provide instruction, supervise, and share positive energy. The impact paraprofessionals have on the educational system is immeasurable, and we at RAMS greatly value our paraprofessionals.
Interested applicants can apply using THIS LINK.
If you are curious, please connect with us. You may know a new retiree, a recent college graduate, or a caring and positive person who would love to work with students. Contact Karen Manning ( or Ryan Holland ( |
Reminder to StudentsPlease remember to bring wired headphones or earbuds to school for class activities. Wireless headphones are not permitted. Having the right equipment helps ensure everyone can participate fully. Thank you! |
How To Report Absences and TardiesIf your child will not be in or late to school, you have several options for reporting your child's absence or tardiness. Please be aware that if you report your child's absence or tardiness by 9:15 a.m., you will not receive a notification from Bright Arrow indicating that your child has been reported absent.
RAMS Clubs & Late BusesDear RAMS Families,
Our after school clubs are underway! A list of our clubs can be found on the school website, so be sure to check it out in the "ACTIVITIES" section.
There are two late buses: A and B, and they arrive at 4:00 p.m. Clubs will run until 3:30, and after that, students can head to the lobby to wait or go outside for the buses. Walkers, bike riders, and parent pickups can leave at 3:30. If students are being picked up between 3:45 and 4:00 p.m., their ride must use the loop on the side of the building to allow buses to pull in and safely load students.
If you’re unsure about which bus your child should be on, they can visit the main office before 3:30, where Mrs. Ahronian will be happy to assist. Please remind students that after 3:30, they should either be in the lobby or outside, as wandering the building is not allowed.
There will be supervision from 3:30-4:00 while students are waiting for the late buses, so rest assured everyone is covered!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the front office, Ms. Manning, or Mr. Holland. |
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Click "View In Browser" for linked table of contents! |
December 16-17 Spring Musical Auditions 2:30pm @ RAMS auditorium 17 HHS Band Concert @ HHS 7PM 23-29 Break - No School
January 1 New Year’s Day/Vacation 9 School Committee 10 Grade 7 Middle of the Middle Dance Party - PTO sponsored TBD School Committee 17 PD Day-District, No School for Students 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School 23 School Committee TBD School Committee-Principals Midyear Updates TBD School Committee-Strategic Initiatives 28 RAMS & Miller Band Concert @ HHS 7 PM |
This week, Robert Adams Middle School will celebrate Spirit Week with fun themes each day leading up to the winter break! We can’t wait to see everyone's creativity!
Monday 12/16 - PJ Day (Come Dressed in your favorite pajamas!) Tuesday 12/17 - Crayon Day (Come dressed ALL in one color!!) Wednesday 12/18 - Workout Day (Come dressed in workout attire!) Thursday 12/19 - Homeroom Battles (Each homeroom picks a theme to dress as, and the one with the most participation wins!!) Friday 12/20 - Ugly Holiday Sweater Day (Come dressed in your ugliest sweater!) |
A reminder to families that doors to Robert Adams Middle School open at 7:50 AM each morning. Students are required to wait outside until that time, regardless of weather, as there is no supervision before then. Please plan your child's drop-off accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation! |
We’re excited to announce that yearbook ordering is open for the school year! Using this link on the school’s website you can order a 2024 - 2025 Robert Adams Middle School yearbook for your child. The price is 25.00 and you will need to enter Robert Adams Middle School on the Yearbook Forever site.
Yearbooks will be distributed in early June, and online ordering closes at the end of April. Please don’t wait to order - we’d love to secure a yearbook for your child now. We will have a few copies to sell in person in June, but last year we ran out! The only way to guarantee one for your child is by ordering online by April 30th.
Any questions? Email Ms. Malloy or Ms. Ditto Kustwan |
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This Year’s Theme is: COMMUNITY... Together We Can Achieve Greatness!
Being an active member of your community means you care about others and helping one another. Unity means joining together to achieve great things. Together you can make a positive impact in your school, neighborhood and community. Together, we can achieve greatness!
The POSTER submission deadline is Friday, January 24, 2025. The PSA submission deadline is Friday, April 25, 2025. For additional information, please contact MPY Executive Director Margie Daniels, at or Wendy Leone at
Upload Poster and PSA Submissions on our Website. |
Each participant must complete the student application form signed by a parent/guardian consenting to the student's involvement in the Poster/PSA Project. The form is available to download below and can also be found on MPY's website (linked above). School staff are responsible for collecting the permission slip and keeping them on file. When uploading a student’s project, please check the box acknowledging receipt of the signed permission slip. |
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. 781-587-3409 |
The RAMS Re-Act Players will be announcing the spring musical production very soon- in the meantime, here are some important dates to know:
Auditions (RECENTLY UPDATED): Monday, 12/16/24 2:30-5:30 Tuesday, 12/17/24 2:30-5:30 Possible callbacks Wednesday 12/18/24
Rehearsals: M-W-F 2:30-5:30 starting on 12/9/24
Dress Rehearsal: Thursday, 3/20/25 2:30-6:30
Performances: Friday, 3/21/25 @ 7pm Saturday 3/22/25 @ 2pm & 7pm Sunday 3/23/25 @ 2pm |
By now you have likely heard about our efforts to support students and families with student attendance. Each school has formed school-based attendance teams who meet weekly to review student attendance totals and to determine family outreach and interventions as needed. We are grateful for your support!
Weekly Monitoring: Students with 3 absences contacted by nurse Team reviews students with 5 absences and/or tardies
Monthly Letters: ALL families receive a monthly attendance update for their student(s) notifying them of totals.
45 Day Letters:
Families of students with 10% or more absences or tardies will receive a letter detailing attendance totals and inviting collaboration to support improved attendance. These updates will be sent approximately every 45 days, or sooner if additional communication is needed.
As a reminder, RAMS doors open for students at 7:50AM and the first “bell” sounds at 8:03 AM to remind them to report to homeroom. The second “bell” sounds at 8:05 AM. Students are considered tardy when they arrive after 8:05 AM. We ask for your assistance in assuring that your child consistently attends school and is on time to begin the school day. |
Robert Adams Middle School is seeking paraprofessionals. At RAMS, paraprofessionals will work with students, individually or in small groups, to provide instruction, supervise, and share positive energy. The impact paraprofessionals have on the educational system is immeasurable, and we at RAMS greatly value our paraprofessionals.
Interested applicants can apply using THIS LINK.
If you are curious, please connect with us. You may know a new retiree, a recent college graduate, or a caring and positive person who would love to work with students. Contact Karen Manning ( or Ryan Holland ( |
Reminder to StudentsPlease remember to bring wired headphones or earbuds to school for class activities. Wireless headphones are not permitted. Having the right equipment helps ensure everyone can participate fully. Thank you! |
How To Report Absences and TardiesIf your child will not be in or late to school, you have several options for reporting your child's absence or tardiness. Please be aware that if you report your child's absence or tardiness by 9:15 a.m., you will not receive a notification from Bright Arrow indicating that your child has been reported absent.
RAMS Clubs & Late BusesDear RAMS Families,
Our after school clubs are underway! A list of our clubs can be found on the school website, so be sure to check it out in the "ACTIVITIES" section.
There are two late buses: A and B, and they arrive at 4:00 p.m. Clubs will run until 3:30, and after that, students can head to the lobby to wait or go outside for the buses. Walkers, bike riders, and parent pickups can leave at 3:30. If students are being picked up between 3:45 and 4:00 p.m., their ride must use the loop on the side of the building to allow buses to pull in and safely load students.
If you’re unsure about which bus your child should be on, they can visit the main office before 3:30, where Mrs. Ahronian will be happy to assist. Please remind students that after 3:30, they should either be in the lobby or outside, as wandering the building is not allowed.
There will be supervision from 3:30-4:00 while students are waiting for the late buses, so rest assured everyone is covered!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the front office, Ms. Manning, or Mr. Holland. |
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