RAMS News- 11/1/23
RAMS Re-ACT Performing THIS WEEKENDRAMS Re-ACT Performing THIS WEEKEND Tickets are on sale now! Please join us for an unforgettable evening of talent and creativity as our middle school stars take the stage in an exciting acting performance. |
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RAMS Book FairOur book fair is happening soon and will feature Holliston's own AESOP'S FABLE! The fair will be held in the library during school hours on Tuesday, November 7th and Wednesday, November 8th. Students will be able to visit the fair with their ELA classes. Evening hours will be announced soon. Supporting the fair helps build our library collection as well as classroom libraries. This year we are thrilled to partner with a local small business as well. Thanks in advance for your support! |
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Keefe Regional Technical School-8th GradeKeefe Regional Technical School-8th Grade The 8th grade tour to Keefe Regional Technical School is scheduled for Friday, November 3rd. Students will depart at 11:30 a.m. and return at 1:55 p.m. On Thursday, October 5th, 8th grade students took part in an assembly here at RAMS, which provided more information about the programs available at Keefe Regional Technical School. For more general information please visit their website at the following link. Keefe Regional Technical School. |
RAMS Academic RecommendationsEighth-grade math and science are the only courses at RAMS that are leveled. Please see the attached link for a detailed description of our courses and placement criteria: SY23-24: G8 Math and Science Course Descriptions and Placement Criteria. This information has also been sent directly to 7th-grade families. One criterion 7th-grade teachers consider for students' 8th-grade placements is the STAR Math and Reading Assessments through Renaissance, which are comprehensive benchmark assessments conducted during math and ELA classes and given three times per year (beginning, middle, end) to provide teachers with useful data to track student growth and target areas for improvement in both student skills and instructional practices. Students have completed their STAR assessments and all families, grades 6-8, will receive STAR reports in the mail this week as a way to keep families abreast of student performance and progress. |
RAMS History AnnouncementHello RAMS Families and Community,
We need your help! We want our middle school students to continue to build a sense of self and pride in their community and school. To help accomplish that goal, we are in the process of building a “History of RAMS, history of education in Holliston” display. Ultimately, we would like to create a dedicated space here at RAMS which displays various artifacts, pictures, and personal vignettes about schooling here in Holliston. We feel this will not only help our students appreciate Holliston’s past, but also illustrate an important perspective as they walk through the halls of our school today.
We recently connected with the Holliston Historical Society who have been wonderful in sharing some resources and ideas with our team here at RAMS.
We are asking families and community members who might have some old pictures or artifacts of their time at RAMS or Flagg School (or even prior to that, LOL) and would be willing to donate them to this endeavor to please contact:
Jesse Conant - conantj@holliston.k12.ma.us
We are very excited about this project and look forward to hearing from families who may be able to play an important role in this work! |
Start with Hello @ RAMSHello RAMS Families! Members of the 8th grade Peer Leadership Team have been working hard building a Start with Hello Campaign here at RAMS. Start with Hello is a key element to the Sandy Hook Promise. Start with Hello “Is a prevention program that teaches children and teens how to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other. Students, educators, parents, and other community members who interact with children can take steps in class, lunchroom, and/or other times in their day to be inclusive and connected.” We are excited to support this important cause as our students took the initiative in making this a reality here at RAMS for the week of November 13-17. Each day that week, our peer leaders will be leading different activities with our students to help inform and engage their peers on the importance of “just saying hello.” For more information about the Start with Hello and the Sandy Hook Promise, please view the following link. |
SBIRT TestingIn compliance with this law and in order to help prevent students from starting to use substances, or intervene with early use, the Holliston Public Schools will be conducting an interview-based screening for 7th grade students around the use of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs. The screening will occur on November 9th with all 7th graders. This screening will follow the SBIRT protocol (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) developed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and will utilize the CRAFFT screening tool, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Substance Abuse. Please read the following for more detailed information about this screening: SBIRT Testing |
PTO Spirit Wear FundraiserGet you Holliston Gear! Order online by November 15th for delivery by mid-December. Your orders support Holliston SEPAC and Holliston PTO. Order online by 11/15/2023 |
RAMS Counselors’ CornerThe middle school counseling staff is very excited to introduce the Suite 360 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum to all students in grades 6-8. Students were introduced to the platform last week and will be able to access resources and lessons to help them develop important social-emotional skills. The lessons will be delivered in a blended learning environment with some being self-paced and others being teacher and counselor directed. Lessons this year will include goal setting, responsible decision making, social awareness and self management. The program begins with a quick survey to see what the students already know about themselves. If you have any questions please reach out to the grade level counselors as we are excited to talk about this new opportunity. Grade 6 Kayla Smith at smithk@holliston.k12.ma.us Grade 7 Angela Gavan at gavana@holliston.k12.ma.us Grade 8 John Powers at powersj@holliston.k12.ma.us |
Washington DC trip-PTO and 8th GradeDear Families, With the support of the Superintendent and RAMS administration, Holliston PTO is once again looking into sponsoring an 8th grade Washington DC trip to be held the week of April vacation (April 18-20, 2024 - Thu/Fri/Sat). In order to consider this, the PTO is looking for two parent coordinators to work alongside 8th Grade Class Liaison, Stacey Raffi. The coordinators will:
For a detailed description of what a PTO sponsored DC trip entails, the pricing from 2024 and the roles and responsibilities of the coordinators and chaperones, please reference the PTO DC Trip Planning Guide. If you would like to be a Parent Coordinator, please email Stacey Raffi at hpsclassof2028@gmail.com. |
Holliston PTOHolliston PTO Joining the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a fantastic way for parents and caregivers to engage in their student’s education and school community actively. By becoming a member of the PTO, you can play a vital role in supporting various school initiatives, fundraising efforts, and educational programs. Moreover, it provides an excellent platform for networking with fellow parents, teachers, and administrators, fostering a strong sense of community and collaboration. Whether you have a few hours to spare or are looking for opportunities to contribute your skills, joining the PTO allows you to have a meaningful impact on your child's school experience while working with other dedicated individuals who share a common goal – the success and well-being of our students. Please visit the district-wide, Pre-K through 12, Holliston PTO website.
RAMS Still Need ParaprofessionalsRobert Adams Middle School is seeking paraprofessionals. At RAMS, paraprofessionals will work with students, individually or in small groups, to provide instruction, supervise, and share positive energy. The impact paraprofessionals have on the educational system is immeasurable, and we at RAMS greatly value our paraprofessionals.
Interested applicants can apply using the following platform: SchoolSpring
If you are curious, please connect with us. You may know a new retiree, a recent college graduate, or a caring and positive person who would love to work with students. Contact David Jordan (jordand@holliston.k12.ma.us) or Karen Manning (manningk@holliston.k12.ma.us) |
RAMS Clubs & ActivitiesPlease click the following link to see RAMS Clubs and Activities. All clubs will run on a designated day during the week from 2:30-3:25. Late Buses are available. Students are DEFINITELY encouraged to stay after school for academic help as well. |
Mark Your CalendarNovember 2 School Committee @ 7:00PM 3,4 Fall One Acts 9 SBIRT Grade 7 10 Veterans Day observed 12 Diwali 15 PD day-building, no school for students 22 Early Release/Turkey Trot 23 Thanksgiving 24 Vacation
1 Middle School Dance 7 School Committee @ 7:00PM 12 Chorus Concert @ HHS @7:00pm 13 Chorus Concert snow date TBD NHS Relay for Life All-School Dance 19 Band Concert @ HHS @ 7:00pm 20 Band Concert snow date 21 School Committee @ 7:00PM 25 Christmas Day
26-29 School Vacation |
RAMS Think it OverWhat are you grateful for today? |